Table of Contents:
Program Functions
Add a New Template Group
Delete Template Group
Add a New Template
Delete Template
Edit Template Text
Save Document/Template into the File
Load Template from the File
Reload Template from Database
Print Document
Create the Document
Copy Document into Clipboard
Select All Document Text
Clear Document Text
Edit Field Delimiter
Set Program Window on the Front of Other Windows
Program Information
Copyright © Vitaly (Vit) Pozharov (
To listen my songs, please visit:
The program is used to prepare different documents based on
the template and fields. The templates are stored in the internal database and
are grouped by Template Groups. Templates may contain unlimited number of
fields. Each field starts and ends with a delimiter string (default is “~~”,
i.e. “~~Name~~”). The program will analyze the selected template and create a
form for supplying field information. For instance, if the template has one
field “~~Name~~”, one text box will be created to enter or paste a field value
(i.e. “John”). The template can contain robust formatting options (i.e. Bold, Italic,
Underline, different fonts, colors, bullets, etc). The resulting documents with
filled fields can be copied or saved as plain text (all formatting will be
lost) or in RTF format. It also can be printed.
- Select
File->New->Template Group or press Ctrl + G.
- Enter
Template Group Name (e.g. “Employment letters”, etc.)
- Click
“OK” button. The Template Group will be added to the list (and saved in
the database).
- Select
File->Delete->Template Group.
The entire group with templates will be deleted.
- Press
“Yes” button to delete group and templates from the database.
- Select
a Template Group from the list.
- Select
File->New->Template or press Ctrl + T.
- Enter
template name.
- Click
“OK” button. The empty template will be added.
- Copy
and paste or enter template text with field(s) if needed.
- Select
File->Save Template menu option or press Ctrl + S to save template to
- Select
- Press
“Yes” button to delete current template.
1. Template
can be edited directly in the template text box (only plain text option).
2. To
use advanced edit features, select Edit Template->Advanced Editing or press
Ctrl + E.
3. A
new window with a template editor will open.
4. Click
“Save” button to save your changes in the template textbox (NOTE that this will
not save the template into the database!) Click “Cancel” button to discard the
5. Select
File->Save Template menu option or press Ctrl + S to save template to
- Select
File->Save Document.
- Select
the document type: plain text (*.txt) or RTF format (*.rtf).
- Press
“Save” button to save document.
if you choose plain text format (*.txt), all formatting in the
document/template will be lost.
- Select
File->Open Template or press Ctrl + O.
- Select
the file.
- Click
Open to load the file as a template.
the loaded template will not be saved into the database until you manually
do so (File->Save Template OR Ctrl + S).
if you save the loaded template into the database, it will overwrite the
current template.
- Select
File->Reload Template or press Ctrl + R to refresh template on the
all unsaved changes will be lost.
- Select
File->Print or press Ctrl + P.
- Follow
instructions of your printer screen.
- Provide
(enter or paste) information for all fields.
- Select
Edit Template->Recreate Document or press F5 or click “Create Document”
button on the top menu strip.
- The
document will be created based on the selected template and copied into
the clipboard.
If “RTF” checkbox is checked, file will be copied as RTF text, otherwise
it will be copied as a plain text (no formatting).
- Select
Edit Template->Copy Document or click “Copy document to clipboard”
button on the top menu to copy document or template text into clipboard.
- Alternatively,
select Edit Template->Recreate Document or press F5 or click “Create
Document” button on the top menu strip. The document will be rebuild and copied into the clipboard.
If “RTF” checkbox is checked, file will be copied as RTF text, otherwise
it will be copied as a plain text (no formatting).
- Click
anywhere in document text box,
- Select
Edit Template->Select All or press Ctrl + A to select all text in the
- Select
Edit Template->Clear All.
- Click
“Yes” button on warning screen to clear all text.
- Click
“Cancel” button on warning screen to cancel the operation.
this operation will not clear the template text until empty template will
not be saved in the database.
- Each
“Field” in the template separated by the delimiter at the beginning and
end of the field (e.g. “~~Name~~”).
- To
change field delimiter, select Edit Template->Edit Field Delimiter or
press Ctrl + D.
- Enter
new delimiter (one or many characters).
- Click
“OK” to save new delimiter value into the database.
If you change delimited to a new string, old saved templates will be not
functional. Change delimiters in all old templates.
- Check
“Top” checkbox in the top-right corner of the program window. The program
will be fixed on top of all windows.
- Uncheck
the checkbox by clicking on it to make the window not topmost.
- Select
Help->Instructions or press F1 to display this file. You should have a
WEB browser installed on your computer to see the file.
- Select
Help->About to display program version and
copyright info.